Aussie House Sitters

The largest pet & house sitting site in Australia

Sitters: How to refer a friend

Feature photo: Sitters: How to refer a friend

Steve Jobs once said, ‘Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing’, and at Aussie House Sitters we couldn’t agree more. Our passion is all about supporting our sharing community to save money while ensuring our pets stay safe and loved at home.

So, it’s with the idea of spreading the love that we introduced the ability for sitters to be able to ‘Refer a Friend’.

How does Referring a Friend work?

Referring a friend rewards current house sitters who help to spread the word, and the benefits, of our house sitting community. As a member, if you refer a friend who you think might want to be a house sitter and they join, they get $10 off their membership cost and you receive $10 towards your next year of membership. And there’s no limit. You can do this as many times as you want, and if your rewards total completely pays off your next year of membership, the rewards will carry over to the following year.

Who can I refer?

You can refer anyone over the age of 18 who may be interested in becoming a house sitter. That means if you have a pet loving friend who loves to explore new places, who might enjoy a lifestyle change, or who is missing having their own pets, you can invite them to join our community and if they do, you’ll both reap the benefits.  

How do I send a Referral code?

If you’re already a sitter, your referral code can be found in your My Account menu by clicking the My Referrals tab. In your My Referrals area, you will find the Create a Referral Code tab which allows you to share your unique code with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Email.

I’ve been sent a code by a friend — how do I use it?

Simply click on the link you received and it will take you directly to our sitter registration page. When you register and make the membership payment, the Referral Code discount will be automatically be applied to your payment. You will see the total price updated to include the discount on the payment page.

Your chance to share the love.

As Australia’s largest and most trusted house sitting site, Aussie House Sitters has more ads than any other site, giving you and your friends the best opportunity to experience the joy that is house and pet sitting.

Are you ready to share the love with all the pet lovers in your life? Invite your friends to become part of the Aussie House Sitters community today.

I found the Aussie House sitters website an excellent means to ensure back to back house sits almost all the time over the 13 months I was sitting. A great service, thank you. Lynnette

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