Aussie House Sitters

The largest pet & house sitting site in Australia

Understanding our new review system

Feature photo: Understanding our new review system

Reviews are a lovely way to reward both house sitters and homeowners following a house sit.

Reviews appear on a sitter’s profile adding credibility, helping to build trust and can also help to secure future house sits. Reviews for homeowners are published on their future house ads and help inform sitters of how previous sitters found the experience, and whether the house sit is right for them.


Once you have completed a house sit with Aussie House Sitters, you are able to send and receive a review that includes a star rating. The sitters review will be added to any future ads the homeowner posts. The homeowners review will be displayed on the house sitters profile.

Please note - our new reviews process is 'blind'. Members can’t see the others review until they have both been submitted OR until the 14-day deadline has been reached. This is a common peer-review protocol to make reviews more honest, giving them more credibility which in turn helps build trust and confidence in our house sitting community.

You now have 14 days from the end of the house sit to submit your review. This will help to ensure reviews are submitted promptly. Please note, if you miss this deadline you are not able to submit a review.

Aussie House Sitters website page showing on laptop with review options


To build trust in our house sitting community and to encourage honest feedback, Aussie House Sitters has certain rules in regards to reviews.

  • You must have first 'confirmed' the sit within your MY CONFIRMED SITS area before the house sit has commenced.
  • Either party can post a review from the end date of the house sit. You both have 14 days from this date to post your review.
  • Reviews are published when both parties have placed their review OR after the 14-day period has passed.
  • Neither the sitter or the owner you can see the other person's review until either both parties have placed their review, or the 14-day period has passed.
  • If you disagree with a review you are able to leave a public response within 21 days of the submitted review. Your comment will be published below the review.
  • If you're first to submit a review you can edit it within 14 days of the end date of the house sit or until the other party posts their review for you.
  • If you disagree with a review you are not able to remove it. However, Aussie House Sitters reserves the right to remove reviews if we believe it violates our reviews policy.
  • Once reviews have been published, or the 14-day period has been reached, neither member can post, edit, or delete their reviews.
  • Your privacy will be respected. No personal or identifying information is allowed within the review.
Coffee cup sitting on wooden table near Thanks! card


TAKE CARE: Once published, reviews and responses cannot be edited or deleted.

RESPONSES: You can publish one response to any review you receive within 3 weeks of its creation.

FEATURED REVIEW: Sitters can choose one of their reviews as their "featured review". This review will display on your search page listing. The chosen featured review will also display first in the reviews on both the sitters profile and the homeowners ad. 

MUST CONFIRM FIRST: To be able to leave a review, you must first confirm your sit within your 'My Confirmed Sits' page.

PRIVACY: When published, a review will appear with only the reviewer's first name and suburb listed. Please do not put any personal or identifying information within the review as this is a breach of our Terms & Conditions.


As always, we strive to keep our members’ best interests at heart and our new reviews system was designed to help create a safer, fairer, and more equal platform for everyone.

In implementing a more open review system, our goal is to remain Australia’s most trusted house and pet sitting community. 

I must say that your Agency is amazing, the best one by far and I thank you so much for the opportunity to further my future plans by being part of Aussie Housesitters Jaimie L

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