Aussie House Sitters

The largest pet & house sitting site in Australia

Discover the joys of travelling local

Feature photo: Discover the joys of travelling local

Due to the Covid pandemic, travel looks very different right now and that’s a big deal when we’re used to being able to go anywhere we want. Australians are a nation of adventurers. We love exploring the world and It’s hard not to feel envious when we see international destinations opening up to travel while half of Australia is currently in lockdown. But it needn’t be all doom and gloom.

Exploring your own backyard has many advantages, not least of which is forming a stronger connection to the place we call home. Whether you live in the suburbs, the city or the bush, chances are there are plenty of places and experiences to uncover, all within a day trip away.

1. Where do I start? 

Ask local friends or colleagues for tips on their favourite places to explore, you’ll probably find some responses that surprise you. Exploring the rock pools at a quiet beach, a picnic in the grounds of a botanical garden, a guided farm tour learning about ethical farming practises, and kayaking with dolphins were some of the answers I received.

2. Think Like a Tourist. 

Search the internet for your local area using terms like ‘Information centre’ or ‘Attractions’ and investigate the list of results. Chances are you won’t have been to everything you’ll find listed. Are there walks nearby that you haven’t explored? Is there a beach or lake where you haven’t swum? Is there a historic or cultural site you’ve never visited? Sometimes we get so distracted by the beautiful travel images we see on social media that we forget to be a tourist in our own backyard.

3. Shop Local.

A huge benefit of traveling locally is the positive impact it has on local businesses and communities. Items from local creatives or producers allow us to experience the special culture of our local area. Also, shopping locally not only reduces your carbon footprint, it means your money is going straight into the local economy helping it to thrive. A town, suburb or city street filled with unique and vibrant shops creates a distinct vibe that’s not only great for the locals but for tourists, too. 

4. Plan a road trip. 

Most of us use the same roads day in and day out to go to work, do the shopping or run errands. But there’s probably more side streets and back roads to discover within an hour of your house than you realise. If you find yourself stuck for ideas on something to do on the weekend, go online and bring up a map of your area and plan a day trip with stops at places of interest along the way. Sometimes the journey itself can be the reward.

5.  Make a list. 

Print out a list of all the experiences and the places you’ve been told about by friends or discovered online that want to see, and post it up on your fridge for inspiration when you’re looking for something to do. It’s a great incentive to be able to cross things off as you go and often, you won’t have to go far. With a little planning and research, you’ll be seeing your local area with brand new eyes.

It can be easy to take for granted that because local attractions are ‘in our own backyard’, we can go anytime we want. Well why not make that time now? By making an effort to connect with local history, culture and communities, it can lead us to form a stronger connection to the place we call home. You might be amazed by how much there was that you’ve never seen.

And by exploring your own backyard, it might just turn it into an adventure you’ll never forget.

Your new site is AWESOME just love it keep up the great job your doing. We have had back to back house sitting since April 2012, thanks. Denis & Jan

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